Chelsea helping daughters put on goggles before playing in the river on summer afternoon

A space curated at the intersection of motherhood, outdoor advocacy and community building. Chelsea spends most of her time with her kids and husband in the mountains and forests in North Central Washington. Enjoy a window into her outdoor world. Culture, joy and liberation.

Outdoor Community, its up to you.

Why I’m no longer talking to outdoor retailers about creating change within the Black outdoor community.  Q.  How do I feel the outdoors is doing on inclusion and racial equity? I have left meetings feeling like I want to throw in the towel. I have also left feeling rejuvenated and hopeful! Racial equity is hard…

Brave Space, finding myself.

As a Black woman established in many white centered communities I have battled identifying myself as brave. Shoot, I struggled even identifying myself at all. White people took up a lot of space in my mind as to how bravery shows up in the world. Growing up, bravery looked like my girl friends jumping in…

Experience is everything.

I was doing this really odd thing people do when they can’t see themselves represented in the hobbies they want to try. I live in a small mountain town where everybody and their mom mountain bikes. No exaggeration there. It seems like most people mountain bike on some level and really enjoy it. I found…

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